Twitter is now blocking some Antifa accounts. Does this signal a new ideological fairness in Twitter censorship? No: Antifa recently attacked Democratic Party offices.
Trust in the news media has hit all-time lows, according to an Edelman poll reported by the Daily Caller [link]. More people distrust the media (46%) than ever before. Republicans of course trust it much less Democrats.
Liberals now reading this, who scoff at the very idea of the persecution of Christians in the 21st century: I want you to pay close attention, that you are indeed scoffing at that idea, because soon you won’t be scoffing anymore. Remember.
If claims in a new lawsuit, Doe v. Twitter [link] are true, Twitter refused to remove an explicit video of a 13-year-old sex trafficking victim. The video got over 167,000 views. Why is this not a criminal case? I’d like to know.
I don’t think about whether or not I’m racist.
No serious person accuses me of being racist.
I try to love all people. I am commanded to do so. People fascinate me.
I am bored by the MSM’s concern over fake racism, and by conservatives’ replies.
I’m experimenting with my microblog, making improvements, learning best practices. Then I’ll write instructions & improve requirements for a new plugin.
Love “WP Twitter Auto Publish”—featured images go to Twitter. Here’s me and my NAS!
SocialBlade says [link] I’ve lost 4,276 net followers since Jan. 8, when Pres. Trump was blocked by Twitter—despite 100s of new followers. I’m not sure what proportion is due to Twitter banning accounts vs. people leaving in disgust.
Today. No, really, you could.
On, my WordPress microblog, I added a plugin (“WP Twitter Auto Publish”) that pushes all new posts to Twitter. If you are reading this on Twitter, hey, it works! Has a handy backlink for replying on my blog too.
As Jack promised, broader conservative Twitter suspensions have arrived. Today they include Michelle Malkin, Right Side Broadcasting Network, and the Gateway Pundit, according to OAN [link]. Despite gaining dozens of new followers, I lost another 200 net (down 11.5% from peak).
So, China sanctions hated foreign individuals in the United States [link here]—just as the Democrats themselves want to do with hated Trump admin officials and key supporters.
They wouldn’t do this unless they were confident that Biden wouldn’t retaliate. Disgraceful.
Well, on my first day of microposting, I made 11 posts.
Could I see doing this instead of Twitter? Sure. Especially if I install a plugin that automatically tweets each post. That’s my intention.
So long as I can draw people back here to reply.
I added a “like” button, for that complete, narcissistic social media feel! Like me, really like me!
I love the fact that I could host this microblog myself, with the NAS and Internet connection I already own and pay for. As I wrote earlier [link], owning my own server is one of my best technical decisions. It replaced Dropbox, Google Docs and Cal, Slack, and iOS notes, and more.
World, meet the Larry Sanger Microblog, where I can be incredibly offensive and nobody can shut me up. They can ignore me, though! Explained at greater length on my macroblog.
Hey, if you respond to any of these, please keep the responses to 280 characters. I’m just trying to see how much sense the idea of using WordPress for social media actually makes.
I am trying to install the WordPress ActivityPub plugin for this new microblog, but am for some reason having trouble finding the feed via Not sure what’s going on.
I didn’t watch the inauguration today. Did I miss anything?
Has anyone ever made an exporter that makes WordPress posts out of tweets? Not on the fly…that takes a whole big data archive from Twitter and constructs a whole bunch of WordPress posts from it?
I want that. I will use that.
Let’s suppose Biden is right and we should all seek after national unity. Very well. What should I do? Assuming, as true American unity requires, that I neither abandon my principles nor my right to free speech.
Lady Gaga sings the anthem for the inauguration of a fraudulently elected president, who appears not only corrupt, but a traitor; not only that, but the media gleefully silences the evidence; not only that, but half the country doesn’t care whether the charges are true or not.
The encyclosphere is going to be great. Still getting the website and upcoming seminar ready. Video: