When I use in-line editing for some posts, often, HTML appears. Can we make this a WYSIWYG editor? #v2feature I decided this isn’t a “bug” (although when <p> appears, it is indeed a bug).
same.energy is very cool!
Tapping anywhere outside of a displayed image should close the image. #v1fixed
I want navigation arrows allowing me to navigate between multiple pix (with keyboard arrows supported) as a #v2feature.
On dark theme, three dots need to be lighter (done!), and there needs to be a box of some sort around the drop-down (not done; if there’s a border, as in the second pic below, it’s not visible). #bug #bugpartlyfixed #v1 #v1partlyfixed
It is going to be really really cool when Minifeed gets OpenGraph support and nice-looking cards for links. I suspect this is going to be pretty difficult, but worth it. #v2feature
I need more attention to dark theme design integration! #bug
Clicking pin should turn off “pinned” property. #bug #v2feature
The three dots are acting wonky now. See video sent to Dan. UPDATE: problem occurs on Brave & FF mobile both. Replicated on StartThis. #bug
Need the distancing between the countdown I see here on MiniFeed.org added to StartThis.org #bug
I can’t play the mp3 here: startthis.org/?p=314 #bug #fixed
The pin placement interferes with the trash can’s placement. Either move the trash to the lower right, or move all functions (with a separator for delete) into a … menu. #bug
The pin should be light(ish) grey, or something, to look visible against a dark background.#bug
When I have a pinned drop (pin drop?), then drop again, the new drop is placed temporarily *above* the pinned drop. After refreshing the pinned drop goes back to the top. #bug
I guess “a minifeed” is a thing. Either that or it’s a microblog, and the kind of microblog it is, is a minifeed…
PIN MEH…the pin needs fixing, sadly, on Brave. Not sure what you want to do about this but I have to be able to see it on Brave. #bug
Let people upload logo (i.e., display WP logo in appropriate place). #v2feature
Add visual indicator of stickiness. #v2feature
Long, critical article from a while back, about Wikipedia’s issues, especially its ties to Big Tech.
ineteconomics.orgWikipediaâs Deep Ties to Big Tech
This is now fixed! Yay! And I can edit! Yay!
Testing width