Pix do not appear on detail pages yet #bug
Why is there a dark/black theme with one font on Brave, and a blue theme with a different theme on Firefox?
The edit button is broken 🙁
A slick, unobtrusive editor is key to UX brownie points from users of text-based apps.
Editing-in-place is slick and easy-seeming. #bug
I would prefer to be able to type more than 280 characters, with any characters over that number colored red. It’s easier to type too much and then delete than it is to type the permitted amount and then have to stop and delete cause #bug
The heart button seems to be working for you, but not for me. #bug
This is a lighthouse.
Demoing the plugin and how it works.
Nd did did d did d. Did d did d did d did d did DMs did d did DMs DNS’s d dnd d and desks dd dnd d end dnddnd dj n c cbdjc f dnd d dnd day dnd d dnd day dnd dnd dmnf c dnd fjcgj no Nd dnd s sac f fjcjf f f ncnvc. Cbdjdns dndncnv civ fdnd
Videos? No 🙁
Ooh, pic upload!
Shift enter?
mais oui!
Oh my, super-snappy!
Yo new test
vc vc` cxx z`c
Something big happened to day!
Chi hijjjhbbbb he bb go
Saves on enter, displays without refresh.
where is the #toast
Hey @admin. Woah.
Seeing if I can backspace to erase the ! before it saves!
Pressing enter now. Does it actually save instantly? No, not yet.
Frowny face doesn\\\’t display as a frowny face (for me; just a box). 🙁 #bug
Easy to publish
It’s easy to read